My Services

  • I specialize in radical self-acceptance and emotional regulation. I provide individual ($250) and couples therapy ($350)

  • Engage in a group experience aimed at dating with dignity. You will date with greater intentionality and learn to ask yourself (and others) the questions that matter. $100, workbook $50, private date coaching $250

  • If you are a s*x worker and need a trusting space to be open, honest, and supported in this ostracizing line of work, this group is for you $60

  • I am a Reiki master and can use energy work to clear your mind and body, speed the healing process (pre or post op)


Who am I?

When my clients first come into the therapy room, they may say: I long for connection but fear being exposed, and it prevents me from pursuing connections. I want to be understood, but often feel like I don’t understand myself. I keep having the same fight with my partner and we are starting to feel exhausted. I always thought something was wrong with me, that I was stupid, but when I realized I have a learning disability, it all made sense. I just don’t know how to integrate this new understanding of myself. 

Sometimes all we need is a space where we can unload our burdens and make sense of everything without feeling judged or rushed. My work begins with meeting you where you are so that you can feel more comfortable with being uncomfortable. When working with me, you will learn to communicate and honor your body's truths, so you can gain clarity and leave behind the confusion. 

I’m a compassionate therapist specializing in dating, couples coaching, and late diagnosis of learning disabilities. As a private dating coach, I support individuals of all genders, races, nationalities, and sexual orientations, aged 20-50, seeking casual or serious relationships, regardless of their level of experience or relationship status. I work with couples with differing needs and goals, which can include, opening up their relationship, differing relationship goals, integrating kink, and gaining overall creativity with intimacy. Additionally, as someone with a learning disability myself, I am passionate about my work with individuals who need more guidance with a new learning disability diagnosis. 

My approach is primarily integrative and can easily be customized to your goals. I utilize mindfulness, somatic therapy (focusing on the body), and psychodynamic discussions to motivate and challenge you to implement the changes that you desire. 

Whether you are wanting to work on your relationship with intimacy as a couple or as a single individual, struggling with a new learning disability diagnosis, or are looking to understand yourself better and play an active role in developing a new narrative that feels more genuine— rest assured that there is nothing too big to work through. 

Start your journey inward